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Lightroom training in Kuwait

Adobe Lightroom for beginners

Enhance and perfect your photography anywhere

With Lightroom, your photography goes where you go. Organize, edit, and share your photos from anywhere — on your computer, on the web, on your iPad, and on your iPhone or Android device. It’s all your photography. All in one place.

What you get from this training:

1) Intro into Lightroom

2) Lightroom Modules

3) Library Module

4) Develop module

5) How to import, cull, crop image

6) Work with preset and filters

7) Export images for different purposes

8) Tethered shooting 

                              &  lots more ....

What you bring when you come:

1) Your Laptop with Lightroom classic installed

2) Your DSLR

If you do not have Lightroom Classic, Trial version 

can be installed from the Adobe website

For more info, contact me on: or

+965 99684215/ +965 67647879

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